Monday, February 9, 2009

Dithering Heights

It's in that faint sliver of light
that quest of ten
it's also the blunderous plight
of murderous men

Is the rail to narrow to walk
or to straight to see
a trite and perilous shock
of never ending hypocrisy

The mountain is high
but neigh shall we never be
the top can barely hold
the pompous so precariously.

Monday, January 19, 2009


Ok so I got this idea this weekend to take a Beatle's song and change the words but still keep it serious. So far this is what I came up with

Fixed a hole where the rain got in
to dry out my soul
Just to wade back in
And it's so cold

Thats it for now, just wanted to write it down before it left my head for good.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Warplanes fly up above
Warbirds die on the ground
Tell me does it really matter
To be centered and to be proud
If there is a reason
then tell me cause I'm still confused
I was never asked to come here
If I had I would of refused

I am a bird afraid of heights
I am the one with fears
I am American without rights
I am distraught and full of tears

In a time when pigs can fly
Blind eyes holding needles
Too high to deny
the power of the swine

And as the shit goes down
Rising powers come up
Are you ready to give your babies
to the unjust and the corrupt

If you are a bird afraid of heights
If you are one with fears
If you are American without rights
You are distraught and full of tears.

Lost Dreams

I take a seat at the
edge of the world
Let my feet float through
clouds of lost dreams
As dew drop misted tears
fall from the sky
The lunar lady she pauses in her decline
His solarness wakes and begins his
daily rise
Their longing gazes meet
She for his day
And he for her night
closeness for everlong
would be devine
If they could only stop the time
I sat and watched
them have their goodbyes
As a cloud drifted down
to join the lost dreams
Formed from the sadness of
their sighs.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Sell! Self! SELF!

"No, No seriously make it stop" the man screams as his face becomes the color of beets in a blender on puree. All around are similar specks of disintegration. All combobulating as one as if their strings all ran to one master marionette. Hands pumping and flashing symbols faster than gang members down in the avenues of Angel town. Or maybe if I didn't know any better a major outing of down syndrome "winners" at a David Hasselhoff concert. "We love you Daaavid!" as they wipe the drool from their chins with one hand and cheer with the other. But this isn't the case, if it were we could all come away from this feeling warm and fuzzy and saying good for them and Mr. Hasselhoff's flailing record sales. Unfortunately for all of you that's not my style.

Now the guy with the pureed face has now become doubled over in agony. Sweat dripping out of every orifice, making him look oddly like a Dali painting. Paper gripped in both hands which are simultaneously holding the sides of his head. "No, No, No, No, NOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooo." There's just something about watching grown men cry that makes everyone uncomfortable and given the moment the inability to look away or do anything for that matter. Much less when there is a general consensus of an entire floor of men sobbing like they had watched the end of 'The Notebook' "Oh it's you, it's you!" Damn that movie, of course we know there are only few things which will cause grown men to cry in public and a sad movie isn't one of them.

In this particular case money is the culprit, and they are watching their precious stocks drop faster than a two dollar whore on fifty cent draft night. Thats right fellow citizens I have just had the auspicious and priveleged nightmare of witnessing the blackest of all black Mondays. The pimps have just been bitch slapped by their own hoes. And they want more than half Eddie.